Saturday, October 8, 2016

Rain Bow Trout and hatchery production in Grahamstown, South Africa

Hatchery production, Innovation centre, South Africa

Indoor Aquaculture Production Unit

Aquaculture units effluents treatment plant, 

Aquaculture Research Unit, at Rhodes University, South Africa.

Rain bow farming unit

Mr. Mmanda visited Rain Bow Trout farm at Grahamstown, South Africa.

Mr. Mmanda was at African Fish collection centre  in Grahamstown,  South Africa

Oyster Farming at Narooma Bay, NSW, Australia

Mr. Mmanda visited Oyster farming unit at Narooma bay in Australia
One of the oldest boat operated at that bay since 1960's using oldest  technology adopted from Russia
Mr. Francis Mmanda visited Oyster farming at Narooma bay in New South Wales, in Australia 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Mafunzo ya Ufugaji wa Samaki yaliyofanyika katika shamba la BIG- FISH SAFINA Aqua farming LTD, KIGAMBONI.

Mr. Francis took a group photo with a trainees

Research Week, At Institute of Marine Sciences, Zanzibar

Mr. Francis With a trainees at BIG-Fish Safina Agua farming Ltd, Kigamboni

Clarias fingerlings nursery, Kigamboni

Friday, February 26, 2016

Fish farming training and programs

Mr Francis on way across Indian Ocean  to Zanzibar 
Mr. Francis  with  Fish farmers at Kongolo ward, Mbeya region discussing issues  about fish farming 
Mr. Francis with other participants  took part in the Enterpreneurship workshop held in Njombe region, the workshop was   facilitated by Epinav project, SUA 
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fish pond located at Mbarali District
Fish pond located at Ifunda area, Iringa region
Mr. Francis  at Hoja Hall, Kimara B, Dar es Salaam  ready for  fish farming training
MR. Francis took part in workshop on Structural transformation and Industrial policy  held at Open University of Tanzania, The workshop was facilitated by  UNICTAD

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Francis providing training on Fish farming to 43 members of AMKWA Saccos who were intesrested in fish farming